Trying to be productive so I've posted some jewellery on Etsy!
Sold jewellery on EBay before but it's hard to make any money on handmade stuff on EBay because it really is a site for buying cheap mass produced stuff.
Etsy is a lovely website with some absolutely gorgeous handmade stuff.
The only problem is there is sooo MANY people selling handmade stuff on Etsy. So the chance of people seeing just your stuff is a bit like a needle in a haystack, but at least I'm trying. I think if i can get people to see it I will get people to buy cause I think me prices are reasonable enough.
That's my biggest hate when making jewellery by the way, setting prices! I just detest it! it's so hard, but sadly a necessity.
Well lets hope I do OK anyway and that I find a way of making people see my jewellery.
Oh did I say that I bocked tickets home? Well I have. Flying out on the 22nd :-)
Oops! Someone asked how to find my Etsy stuff (Hi Carrie :-)) and I realised It would have been a smart idea to add a link. So doing it now instead!
How do we find your Etsy stuff? :)
Yeah I know, I'm a bit of a numty! ;-) Just added a link at the bottom of the blogg entry :-)
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